In this section, we decided to give more information about new known peshtemal instead of other home, bath and beach textile products which anciently known today.
A “peştamal “ is an authentic Turkish Bath( HAMMAM ) Towel which helps the people to hide their body by wrapping around the waist or chest. It is pronounced as pes-te-mal , pesh-te-mal , pes-ta-mal , pesh-ta-mal and some countries has their unique names as “Fouta” , “Kikoi” , “Turkish Towel” and “ Sarong”.
In old times , our people were using peshtemal for their wedding ceremonies or circumcision entertainments to invite people with writing ceremony information after embroidery on it. And we call this invitation method “ okuluk ”. No one could use envelope or paper, because in our village everybody had a loom in their house and prepare their own invitation fabric as today. Our grand grand family tells that they produce pestemal with adding couplet with silver or gilt thread by embroidery even earlier times and they were keep that as a memories for years.